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Mon. 29 | Tue. 30 | Wed. 01 | Thu. 02 | Fri. 03 |
8:30 - 10:30 (2h)
Workshop: Shoulder of tennis players
![]() I. Rogowski
› Considerations for the Shoulder Joint in the Tennis Serve
- Bruce Elliott, The University of Western Australia
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› The biomechanical modeling for the understanding of the shoulder pathology in overhead athletes: application to the shoulder of tennis players'
- Isabelle ROGOWSKI, Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation sur le Sport (EA647)
08:30-10:30 (2h)
› Tennis Serve Biomechanics in Relation to Ball Velocity and Shoulder Joint Injuries
- Caroline Martin, Université de Rennes, France
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Patient-Specific Analysis of Shoulder Kinematics and Impingement in Tennis Players
- Caecilia Charbonnier, Artanim Foundation, Switzerland
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Improvement of Kinematic and Musculoskeletal Models is Necessary to Better Understand Shoulder Injuries in Athletes.
- Yoann blache, Université de Montréal
09:15-09:30 (15min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Workshop: AMTI
![]() C. Samaan
10:00 - 13:00 (3h)
Workshop: CRITT
F. Leplanquais
10:30 - 12:30 (2h)
Workshop: Vicon
![]() S. Ward
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Workshop: Cricket
![]() R. Ferdinands
12:30 - 13:30 (1h)
![]() 13:45 - 16:45 (3h)
Workshop: Cricket (part 2)
R. Ferdinands
13:45 - 15:15 (1h30)
Workshop: BTK
![]() A. Barré
› Biomechanical toolkit: a step toward independency between motion capture data and biomechanical analysis
- Arnaud Barré, Laboratoire de recherche en Imagerie et Orthopédie, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Canada1
13:45-15:15 (1h30)
13:45 - 16:45 (3h)
ISBS pre-conference meeting
![]() J. Hamill
15:15 - 16:45 (1h30)
Workshop: Sensix
![]() M. Boucher
17:00 - 18:00 (1h)
Opening ceremony
![]() 18:00 - 18:45 (45min)
Geoffrey Dyson Award: R. Smith (Chair: R. Sanders)
![]() 19:30 - 20:30 (1h)
Reception Ceremony
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7:15 - 8:00 (45min)
Welcome coffee
![]() 8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
![]() B. Elliott
› Differentiating top-ranked male tennis players from lower-ranked players using hawk-eye data: an investigation of the 2012–2014 australian open tournaments
- David Whiteside, Tennis Australia
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› How Biomechanical analysis may help to identify abdominal injury causesin high level tennis
- François Tubez, Haute École Robert Schuman, Laboratoire d'Analyse du Mouvement Humain, University of Liège
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Influence of a prolonged tennis match play on serve biomechanics
- CAROLINE MARTIN, Laboratoire Mouvement Sport Santé
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Kinematical analysis of forehand stroke technique of the world excellent women's tennis player Sharapova
- zuqing li, Chengdu Sport University
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Shoulder flexibility and strength in elite girl tennis players with and without history of shoulder pain
- Benoit Gillet, Université de Lyon, UCB Lyon 1, Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation sur le Sport - EA 647, UFRSTAPS, Villeurbanne, France
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Acute effects of forearm kinesio taping on muscle strength and fatigue in healthy tennis players
- Weijie Fu, Shanghai University of Sport
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› How important is perception-action coupling in the tennis serve?
- David Whiteside, Tennis Australia, Victoria University
09:30-09:45 (15min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
![]() R. Sanders
› Characteristics of elite swim turn performances
- Bruce Mason, Australian Institute of Sport
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Kinetic and kinematic analysis of the leg positioning in the freestyle track start in swimming
- Dave Burkhardt, Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Kinematic differences between upkick and downkick in undulatory underwater swimming
- Allison Higgs, University of Sydney, Australian Institute of Sport
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Comparison between velocity profiles of the assisted towing method and free swim velocity
- Pendar Hazrati, University of Sydney, Australian Institute of Sport
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Swim start standpoints on the OSB11 starting block
- Armin Kibele, University of Kassel, Institute for Sports and Sport Science
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Electromyographic intra individual variability in front crawl swimming
- Jonas Martens, KU Leuven, Department of Kinesiology
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Do swimmers always perform better using their preferred technique?
- Elaine Tor, Victorian Institute of Sport, College of Exercise and Sport Science, ISEAL, Victoria University, Movement Science - Australian Institute of Sport
09:30-09:45 (15min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
ISBS/SB Special session
![]() P. Thoreux
› Sports related injuries and prevention
- Patricia Thoreux, LBM/Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, Service de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, Hopital Avicenne, Université Paris 13
08:00-08:20 (20min)
› Climber's hand injuries
- Franck Quaine, Université de Grenoble
08:20-08:40 (20min)
› Dancing as a potential initiator of early hip osteoarthritis
- Caecilia Charbonnier, Medical Research Department, Artanim Foundation
08:40-09:00 (20min)
› The knee injuries in skiing: mechanisms and assessment
- Hermann Mayr, University Hospital Freiburg
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Rugby and cervical spine injury
- Jean-Marc Vital, Department of Orthopaedics, Bordeaux University Hospital
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Low back pain: biomechanics analysis and prevention
- Olivier ROUILLON, French Federation of Golf
09:40-09:45 (05min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
New Investigator Award
![]() K. Sato
› Investigation of ATM propulsion force-time profiles using functional data analysis on front crawl sprint swimmers
- Gina Sacilotto, University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› The effect of fatigue on lower limb motor variability during a controlled repetitive stretch-shorten cycle task
- Kurt Mudie, University of Western Sydney
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Landing technique is related to patellar tendon loading during a volleyball block jump movement
- Ina Janssen, Netherlands Olympisch Comité*Netherlands Sport Federatie
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Kinetic analysis of the upper limbs in baseball tee-batting under low hitting point height condition
- Kazumichi Ae, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Changes in movement regularity during learning of a novel discrete task
- Paul Taylor, Australian Catholic University
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› The application of functional data analysis techniques for characterizing differences in rowing propulsive-pin force curves
- John Warmenhoven, The University of Sydney
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Optimum technique for maximizing forward somersault rotation in trampolining
- Dave Burke, Loughborough University (UNITED KINGDOM)
09:30-09:45 (15min)
› Biomechanics of technique selection in women's artistic gymnastics: from theory to practice
- Michelle Manning, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UNITED KINGDOM), Kingston University
09:45-09:45 ()
9:45 - 10:15 (30min)
Coffee break
![]() 10:15 - 11:00 (45min)
Keynote: F. Multon (Chair: J. Hamill)
![]() 11:05 - 12:00 (55min)
Poster session 2
![]() S. Lorenzetti
› Fractal dimension and human aquatic locomotion
- Barbosa Tiago, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Investigating the seated double poling cycle: identifying baseline measures for the preparation phase
- Alicia Gal, Ottawa Carleton Institute for Biomedical Engineering
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Effects of foot placement on resultant joint moments of lower extremity joints during squat
- Sangwoo Lee, Texas Woman's University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Segmental asymmetries and its relationship with lower limbs' strength and range of motion in young soccer players
- Barbosa Tiago, Nanyang Technological University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Comparison of linear and angular swing velocities with differently weighted warm-up bats in softball players
- Yang-Chieh Fu, University of Mississippi
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Adding mass to the shoe does not affect ball velocity in a soccer penalty kick
- Nicholas Linthorne, Brunel University
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Kinematic analysis on serve technique of world's elite female tennis player
- jun guo, 郭俊 - Zhou Jihe, 周继和
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› An investigation of full body kinematics for static and dynamic throw-in in proficient and less proficient soccer players when they tried to hit a specific target.
- Luis Hernandez, National University of Singapore
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Biomechanical study of mid-flight segment action and its effect on hang-time for volleyball spike jumps.
- Dhruv Gupta, The University of Texas at Austin
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Effect of the location of the foot impact point on ball velocity in a soccer penalty kick
- Nicholas Linthorne, Brunel University
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› Biomechanical analysis of saving motion for soccer goalkeepers focused on the function of lower extremities
- Naoki Numazu, University of Tsukuba
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Effect of aquatic exercise on foot pressure balance and posture stability in elderly women
- Kang Sung-Sun, Jai-Jeong
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Knee and ankle muscles coactivations in breaststroke swimming kick and recovery: exploratory approach
- Brice Guignard, CETAPS Laboratory, University of Rouen, Mont Saint Aignan, France, Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, University Savoie Mont Blanc, Le Bourget du Lac, France
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Relationship between 100 m race times and start, stroke, turn, finish phases at the freestyle japanese swimmers
- Hiroshi Suito, Aichi Gakuin University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Changes in upper extremity muscle activation in the presence of stress
- Darren Bausano, School of Health and Human Performance, Northern Michigan University
11:45-11:50 (05min)
› Prophylactic evaluation of shoulder proprioception in elite swimmers
- Cécile BERNARD, Centre de Recherche et d'Innovation sur le Sport (EA647)
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› Swimming velocity comparisson between elite swimming and triathlon brazilian athletes
- Fabiano Teixeira, Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Physical Education-IB, São Paulo State University., Social Service of Industry - Adalgiso Cardozo, Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Physical Education-IB, São Paulo State University.
11:50-11:55 (05min)
11:05 - 12:00 (55min)
Poster session 3
![]() O. Nemtsev
› Estimating lumbar spine loading during volleyball specific movements using 3D modeling
- Johannes Funken, Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University Cologne
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Landing patterns after block in volleyball: application for acl injury
- David Zahradnik, Human Motion Diagnostic Center, Department of Human Movement Studies, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Cross-professional differences in real-time assessment of ACL injury risk
- Erich Petushek, School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Vertical jump height prediction through the analysis of ground reaction forces
- Túlio Moura, Sports and Physical Education Centre, Londrina State University, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› The takeoff preparation and takeoff motions for elite male long jumpers
- Yutaka Shimizu, Shimane University
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Does the method of measuring centre of mass displacement affect vertical stiffness calculation in single-leg hopping
- Kurt Mudie, University of Western Sydney
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Platform height for drop jump determined by counter movement jump
- HSIEN-TE PENG, Department of Physical Education, Chinese Culture University
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Lower limb coordination during a land-cut task following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and rehabilitation
- Sarah Clarke, Leeds Beckett University
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Reproducibility of concentric and eccentric peak torque in females
- Barbara Warren, University of Puget Sound
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Reliability of kinetic variables of squat jumps with different starting positions after criterion based familiarization
- Hans-Joachim Menzel, Federal University of Minas Gerais
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› A mechanomyographic analysis of contraction time in lumbar spine musculature: control data
- Christian Than, School of Biomedical Science, The University of Queensland
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Development of multistep drop jump test by using different drop heights
- Takuya Yoshida, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Analysis of the reliability of two force platforms for the simultaneous collection of kinetics variables
- Nelise Antunes, Federal University of Minas Gerais - Hans Menzel, Federal University of Minas Gerais
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Effects of different heights of box drop vertical jump on the chronic ankle instability individuals
- Ying-Liang Lai, National Taiwan Normal University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Biomechanical study of landing motion on a spring surface
- Shogo Miyazaki, University of Tsukuba
11:45-11:50 (05min)
› Influence of traditional and nontraditional entries on figure skating jumps
- Bryanna Nevius, Bridgewater State University
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› The effects of compression shorts on muscle oscillation and long jump performance
- Russ Peters, Newman University
11:50-11:55 (05min)
11:05 - 12:00 (55min)
Poster session 4
![]() Y.-H. Kwon
› Balance variability during the pyramid execution in acrobatic gymnastics
- Pablo Floría, Department of Sports and Computer Science, Pablo de Olavide University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Changes in the running motion with fatigue during middle-distance running
- Hirosuke KADONO, Faculty of Sports Science, Sendai University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› A kinematic comparison of the delivery motions of catchers and infielders in baseball
- Tomohisa Miyanishi, Sendai University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› A kinematics analysis of giant swing backward and double salto backward stretched dismount in jinnan yao 's uneven bars
- lu zhong, Chengdu Sport University - Jihe Zhou, Chengdu Sport University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Development of a new assessment method for the rebound jump test
- Amane Zushi, School of Health and Physical Education, University of Tsukuba
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Elbow and wrist joint loading during the round-off skills in male gymnastics: a case study
- Roman Farana, Department of Human Movement Studies, Human Motion Diagnostic Centre, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Motion characteristics affect evaluation by judges in hip-hop dance: kinematic analysis of step movement
- Nahoko Sato, Nagoya Gakuin University
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Kinematical analysis on handspring sideways stretched sideward somersault with 1 3/4 turns in horse-vaulting of Zepeng Luo
- xiuling Bian, Chengdu Sport University
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Principal components of the 180°-turn with the ball kinematics in youth soccer players
- Matteo Zago, Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health - State University of Milan
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Identifying release for high bar skills
- Melanie Golding, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UNITED KINGDOM)
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› Biomechanical analysis of badminton different forward steps
- Chien-Lu Tsai, National Taiwan Normal University
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› The effects of unstable exercise training on dynamic balance and abdominal muscle strength in young female individuals
- YENTING WANG, National Taiwan Sport University
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Acute effects of training on hurdle configuration during sprint hurdle motion
- Kazuhito Shibayama, Sendai University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Ground reaction force comparison between both feet during giant slalom turns in alpine skiing
- Thomas Falda-Buscaiot, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI, Cluster Sporaltec, Laboratoire de Physiologie de l'Exercice
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Kinematic analysis of basket with 5/4 turn to handstand of Shixiong Zhou on parallel bars
- Xie Wei, Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu, China
11:45-11:45 ()
› Asymmetry analysis of cross on gymnastics training and competition rings
- Paulo Carrara, Laboratory of Biomechanics - School of Physical Education and Sport - University of São Paulo (USP)
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› Correlations between experts' scoring and biomechanical assessment in ballet movement
- HeaLee Park, healee park, , Korea National Sport University
11:50-11:55 (05min)
11:05 - 11:25 (20min)
Poster session 1: NIA
![]() F. Colloud
› Are dancers symmetrical during single leg and double legged landings?
- Cassie Conway, Australian Catholic University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Foot function assessment through kinematic and kinetic analysis
- Qichang Mei, Faculty of Sports Science, Ningbo University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Optimising running mechanics for long-distance running: Aligning ground reaction force and longitudinal leg axis vectors
- Isabel Moore, Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Sprint step-type specific characteristics of anthropometric and kinematic variables in sprinting acceleration
- Hikari Naito, University of Tsukuba
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› A kinematic study on how to kick quickly in taekwondo
- Madoka KINOSHITA, University of Tsukuba
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Comparison of pull and catch phases during clean exercises
- Ryohei Hayashi, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› The influence of two variables of the nonlinear camera calibration on the 3d underwater accuracy
- Gustavo Bernardina, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Amanda Silvatti, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
11:20-11:25 (05min)
11:25 - 12:00 (35min)
Poster session 1
![]() F. Colloud
› Batting and button-press reaction time in primary, junior high and high school baseball players
- Masahiro Shinya, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, The University of Tokyo
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Pitching accuracy in professional, high school and junior high school pitchers
- Katsue Kawamura, The University of Tokyo
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Curve sprinting kinematics exhibited by athletes using a single, trans-tibial prosthesis
- Yumeng Li, The University of Georgia - (USA)
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› Evaluation of elbow and forearm motion between sidearm and overhand pitching
- Kuo-Cheng Lo, Physical Education Office, Kun Shan University
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Velocity-dependent tuning of motor strategy during 3D arm movement and its relationship to composite cost functions
- Van Hoan Vu, Phd student
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Biomechanical analysis a seqence of angular velocity and coordinated muscles activity during baseball hitting
- Young-Tae Lim, Young-Tae Lim - Jun-Sung Park, Jun Sung Park - Kwon Moon-Seok, Moon-Seok Kwon
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Lagrangian multiplier / matrix partitioning approach for the solution of the muscle load distribution problem
- James Shippen, Coventry University (UK) - Barbara May, Coventry University (UK)
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Kinematic comparisons between forward and backward skating in ice hockey
- Yuko Imanaka, Bridgewater State University
11:45-11:50 (05min)
› Research on different sizes of platform's effects on the athletes' leaving platform speed in the freestyle skiing aerial skill project
- Hou Boyi, Hou Boyi - Wang Xin, Wang Xin
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› The establishment of mathematical model of the take-off speed of freestyle skiing aerials skiers
- Wang Xin, Wang Xin - Fu Yanming, Fu Yanming - Zhao Le, Zhao Le
11:50-11:55 (05min)
12:00 - 13:25 (1h25)
Student Mentoring Program: Lunch
![]() 12:00 - 13:25 (1h25)
![]() 13:25 - 14:10 (45min)
Keynote: V. Senner (Chair: H. Schwameder)
![]() 14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
Computer Modeling & Simulation
![]() F. Yeadon
› Three dimensional musculoskeletal modelling of the chest press resistance exercise focusing on the biomechanical and anthropometric considerations of the end-user
- Kim Nolte, University of Pretoria
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Influence of body segment inertia parameters on uncertainties in joint specific power during sprint cycling: a monte carlo simulation
- Jon Wheat, Centre for Sports Engineering Research, Sheffield Hallam University
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Subject-specific musculoskeletal model to identify muscle contribution to the acceleration phase in elite sprinting
- Veloso António, Biomechanics and Functional Morphology Laboratory FMH-University of Lisbon
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› A comparison of two body segment parameter models via angular momentum at takeoff in diving
- Axel Schüler, Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft Leipzig
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› Impact of strengthening exercices on the shoulder joint
- Caecilia Charbonnier, Medical Research Department, Artanim Foundation
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› Mechanics of the front arm technique in cricket fast bowling
- Edouard Ferdinands, University of Sydney
15:30-15:45 (15min)
› Marker Registration for Inverse Kinematic Models of the Upper Limb: Important Considerations for the Sport Scientist
- Cyril Donnelly, The University of Western Australia
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› A simple method to calibrate kinematical invariants: application to overhead throwing
- ANTOINE MULLER, Ecole normale supérieure de Rennes
16:00-16:15 (15min)
14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
![]() C. Schwartz
› No bilateral asymmetry during pedalling in healthy cyclists of different performance levels
- Juan Garcia-Lopez, Department of Physical Education and Sports, University or León, León, Spain
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Validity, sensitivity and reproducibility of stages and garmin vector power meters when compared with SRM device
- Anthony BOUILLOD, Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes, Laboratoire culture, sport, santé, société
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Increasing power output and movement optimization in cycling: insights from a fully instrumented ergometer
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› Comparison of two pedaling sensors, I Crankset and SRM, against a standard reference sensor
- Julien Bernard, Université de Poitiers : Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Institut Pprime UPR3346
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› Influence of cyclist saddle setback on knee joint forces
- MATHIEU MENARD, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université de Poitiers, Institute PPrime CNRS 3346 - Mathieu Domalain, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université de Poitiers, Institute PPrime CNRS 3346 - Patrick Lacouture, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université de Poitiers, Institute PPrime CNRS 3346
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› Joint kinematic asymmetry based on spatiotemporal pattern deviation during an incremental test in high level cycling
- Camille Pouliquen, Laboratoire Mouvement Sport Santé
15:30-15:45 (15min)
› Measurement of mechanical vibrations and muscular activity in cycling on cobblestones at race pace – A single case study
- Frédéric PUEL, Groupe de Recherche en Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› Effect of noncircular o-symetric chainring on muscular activation during steady-state pedalling
- Sébastien DUC, Groupe de Recherche en Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur
16:00-16:15 (15min)
14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
Innovative Methods
![]() J. Scurr
› Measurement of breast motion across the breast surface lead s to better recommendations for breast support
- Milligan Alexandra, University of Portsmouth
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Shot performance using anchored long putting clubs
- Ian Kenny, University of Limerick [IRLANDE]
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Comparison of movement characteristic and muscle activation between different fitness hoops
- Wei-han Chen, Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› Influence of a full body compression suit on trunk control during cutting maneuvers
- Guillaume Mornieux, Faculté du Sport - UFR STAPS
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› The effects of augmented biofeedback on novel motor-task learning
- Anthony Gorman, University of Lincoln
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› Preference test of the weighted shoes
- Hung Hsun Lin, National Cheng Kung University
15:30-15:45 (15min)
› The attractor method – a technique to quantify differences of cyclic processes and their variability
- Manfred Vieten, Sports Science
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› Open-source video players for coaches and sport scientists
- Boris Bacic, Auckland University of Technology
16:00-16:15 (15min)
14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
Gait & Locomotion
![]() Y. Enomoto
› Analysis of kinematic patterns in runners. an approach based on inertial sensors and functional data analysis
- Enrique Medina, Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Ankle muscle strength and Achilles tendon properties in runners with different speed dependent strike patterns
- Tobias Wunsch, PhD stundent
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Effects of footwear and running speed on foot kinematics in the frontal plane
- Ilka Meinert, University of Stuttgart
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› Barefoot running with elongated or shortened achilles tendon after rupture
- Daniel Jandacka, Department of Human Movement Studies, Human Motion Diagnostic Centre, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› Kinetics of lower extremity during overground hill running in forefoot strike runners
- Erik Kowalski, University of Ottawa
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› Acute effects of outdoor surfaces on running gait symmetry and regularity assessed by trunk accelerometry
- Kurt Schutte, Measure, Model & Manage Bioresponses (M3-BIORES), Department of Biosystems, KU Leuven, Human Movement Biomechanics Research Group, KU Leuven, Movement Laboratory, Department of Sport Science, Stellenbosch University
15:30-15:45 (15min)
› Comparison of accelerometry stride time calculation methods
- Michelle Norris, University of Limerick
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› Effect of foot strike pattern on axial and transverse shock severity during downhill trail running
- Marlene Giandolini, Laboratory of Exercise Physiology
16:00-16:15 (15min)
16:15 - 16:45 (30min)
Coffee break + Poster
![]() 16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: swimming
M. Samson
› Hydrodynamic measurements around moving bodies
- Mathias Samson, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI
16:45-17:15 (30min)
› Kinematic and dynamic coupled measurements in tethered front crawl swimming
- Mathias Samson, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI
17:15-17:30 (15min)
› Hydrodynamic measurements around moving profiles: flapping flight, water turbine, and oscillating profile.
- Laurent David, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI
17:45-18:15 (30min)
16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: rowing
R. Smith
› Improving rowing performance and minimising injury
- Richard Smith, The University of Sydney
16:45-17:15 (30min)
› Profiling international ‘school – club – intercollegiate – elite' rowing technique and boat performances during training and racing
- Conny Draper, The University of Sydney
17:15-17:45 (30min)
› Cognitive functional approach to manage low back pain in rowers
- Leo Ng, School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science Curtin University of Technology [PERTH]
17:45-18:15 (30min)
› A kinematic model to personalise boat settings in order to target a given range of motion in sculling
- Lardy Julien, Laboratoire Motricité, Interactions, Performance
18:15-18:45 (30min)
16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: virtual reality
F. Multon
› Virtual reality & sport
- RICHARD KULPA, Laboratoire Mouvement Sport Santé
16:45-18:45 (2h)
16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: Education
A. Junqua
› Sport movements, a motivating theme for teenagers in a first approach to engineering
- Alain Junqua, University of Poitiers
16:45-18:45 (2h)
19:30 - 22:00 (2h30)
Reviewers & Sponsors night
![]() 19:30 - 22:00 (2h30)
Student night
![]() |
7:15 - 8:00 (45min)
Welcome coffee
![]() 8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
Team sports - Rugby
![]() E. Preatoni
› Carrying a ball can influence sidestepping mechanics in rugby
- Scott Brown, Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ) at AUT Millennium, Auckland University of Technology
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Lower limb movement variability during rugby union place kicking
- Mark Sayers, University of the Sunshine Coast
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› The relationship between neck strength and head accelerations in a rugby tackle
- Alasdair Dempsey, School of Psychology and Exercise Science, Murdoch University
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Evaluation of tackling biomechanics in rugby: video incident analysis and experimental set up
- Elena Seminati, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Spinal muscle activity during different rugby scrum engagement procedures
- Dario Cazzola, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Influence of playing level on the kinematics and kinetics of the rugby scrum
- Benedicte Vanwanseele, KU Leuven, Human Movement Biomechanics Research Group
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Correlations between head rotational kinematics and brain tissue strain for low and high level football helmet impacts
- R. Anna Oeur, University of Ottawa [Ottawa]
09:30-09:45 (15min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
Gait & Locomotion
![]() S. Clarke
› Effect of basketball shoes of different weights on performance in a game-like scenario
- Jordyn Vienneau, Human Performance Laboratory
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Lower limb muscle recruitment strategies differ between elite and recreational ice hockey players
- Erica Buckeridge, University of Calgary
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Kinetic analysis of different running starts: impact on forward center of mass acceleration and performance
- NICOLAS TERMOZ, Centre de Recherche sur le Sport et le Mouvement - Jean SLAWINSKI, Centre d'étude et de recherche sur le sport et le mouvement
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Relationship of Leg and Joint Stiffness during Basic and Sports Specific Tasks in High Level Athletes
- Emma Millett, Australian Catholic University, New South Wales Institute of Sport
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› The effects of an exercise intervention on the biomechanics of an athletic groin pain cohort during the lateral hurdle hop
- Shane Gore, Sports Medicine Department, Sports Surgery Clinic, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, School of Health and Human Performance, Dublin City University
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Age based lower body joint analysis of male endurance running performance
- Diss Ceri, University of Roehampton - Marianne Gittoes, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UNITED KINGDOM) - Richard Tong, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UNITED KINGDOM) - David Kerwin, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UNITED KINGDOM)
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Differences in ground reaction forces when performing the side-step cutting action on different infill depths
- Ian Harris Sujae, Republic Polytechnic
09:30-09:45 (15min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
Strength Conditioning & Training
![]() M. Ae
› The relationship between ankle laxity and frontal plane angles during netball specific tasks: a pilot study
- Alison Attenborough, The University of Sydney
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Effects of cutting weight via sauna on force production and rate of force development for the olympic snatch pull
- Brian Budd, Northern Michigan University - Randall Jensen, Northern Michigan University
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Effect of hold sloper angle and hold depth on maximal finger force capacity of rock climbers
- Arif Mithat Amca, Biomechanics Research Group, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Hacettepe University
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Physical activity demands in elite basketball games
- Renê Augusto Ribeiro, Faculty of Applied Science - University of Campinas
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› The effect of eight weeks training with extra weight on standing long jump performance
- lin chihyu, Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Exercise specific loading conditions and movements of Squats, Lunges, Goodmornings and Deadlifts
- Florian Schellenberg, Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› The effects of whole-body vibration on emg of leg muscles which are different fatigue resistant during static contractions
- Deniz Sımsek, Deniz
09:30-09:45 (15min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
Jumping & Landing
![]() C. Wilson
› Kinetic asymmetry and center of mass displacement during jumps
- Chris Bailey, LaGrange College
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Lower extremity flexion angles and vertical ground reaction force during landing in multidirections: a pilot study in female athletes
- Komsak Sinsurin, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Mahidol University
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Bilateral cmj assymetries in young male athletes: a study across different age groups and sports
- Dino Palazzi, Aspire Academy - Philip Graham Smith, Aspire Academy
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Spring jumpers vs power jumpers: role of the ankle joint in elite wushu performance and injury risk
- Léo Benouaich, Institut de Biomecanique Humaine Georges Charpak, LBM
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› The relationship between force production during isometric squats and knee flexion angles during landing
- Harry Fisher, University of Wyoming
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Relevance, reliability and limitations of a drop and stick landing analysis
- Lina Lundgren, Edith Cowan University, Surfing Australia High Performance Centre
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Fatigue affects the frequency content of the ground reaction forces, but not magnitude, in drop landing tasks
- Rui Xia, Shanghai University of Sport
09:30-09:45 (15min)
9:45 - 10:15 (30min)
Coffee break
![]() 10:15 - 11:00 (45min)
Keynote: K. Mombaur (Chair: M. Vieten)
![]() 11:05 - 12:00 (55min)
Poster session 6
![]() R. Van de Tillar
› A wearable foot motion tracking sensor for outdoor running
- Jin Huat Low, National University of Singapore
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Agreement between attributes associated with bilateral jump asymmetry
- Philip Graham Smith, Aspire Academy
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Development of a wearable gait detection system for racehorses
- Jin Huat Low, National University of Singapore
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Effects of long-term taichi on the stability of the elderly during stair descents under different illuminations
- LiJun Xing, Shandong Sport University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› A preliminary study of breast movement in different bra support
- Lin-Hwa Wang, Institute of Physical Education, Health & Leisure Studies, National Cheng Kung University
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Effects of long - term tai chi and square dance exercise on stability in elderly women during stair descents
- Liyi Xie, Shandong Sport University
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Evaluation of breast supports with different bras during jump-landing maneuvers
- Lan-Yi Chiu, National Taiwan Normal University
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Effects of seat position on the joint moments of the lower extremities during cycling in the elderly
- Kao-Shang Shih, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Influence of crank length on pedalling economy in the acceleration phase in trackcycling – A single case study
- Claas Kuhlmann, TU Dortmund University
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Foot strike posture and lower-limb dynamics during sidestepping among elite female athletes: implications for ACL injury risk
- Chamnan Chinnasee, Faculty of Health and Sports Science
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› Alterations in landing mechanics during forward jump in individuals with chronic ankle instability
- Jian-Zhi Lin, National Taiwan Normal University
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Development of a novel device for measurement of pedal force in cycling
- Thomas Fuglsang, School of Medicine and Health - Aalborg University
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Effects of functional knee brace on biomechanical parameters from different heights of drop landing
- Yan-Ting Hou, National Taiwan Normal University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› The influence of drop height on ground reaction forces in mountain biking
- Kevin Phillips, Northern Michigan University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› An analysis of different pole vaulting pole load-deformation testing regimes
- Andrew Lyttle, Western Australian Institute of Sport
11:45-11:50 (05min)
› Effects of exercises intensity on facial heat distribution in male subjects and relationship with feeling scale
- Ahlem Arfaoui, Biomechanics laboratory/Groupe de Recherche en Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› The speed distribution of horse racing in 1200 meters
- Shuping Li, School of Physical Education, Hubei University
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› A quantitative analysis of squash shot accuracy
- Benjamin Williams, The University of Sydney, Aspire Academy
11:55-12:00 (05min)
11:05 - 12:00 (55min)
Poster session 7
![]() R. Andersson
› Biomechanical Strategies for Obstacle Crossing in Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency
- Horng-Chaung Hsu, Department of Orthopaedics, China Medical University Hospital - Shih-Wun Hong, Department of Orthopaedics, China Medical University Hospital
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Effects of functional knee brace on lower extremity muscle activations after anterior cruciate ligamnet reconstruction
- Ming-Hsiu Chuang, National Taiwan Normal University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Influence of Step Length and Cadence on the Sharing of the Total Support Moments Between the Lower Limbs During Level Walking
- Chien-Chung Kuo, Department of Orthopaedics, China Medical University Hospital - Shih-Wun Hong, Department of Orthopaedics, China Medical University Hospital - Jia-Da Li, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Quantifying the gradients exposed to a professional golfer during a round of golf
- Russ Peters, Newman University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› The influence of foot alignment on kinematic parameters of gait in ballet dancers
- Lucie Tepla, Faculty of Physical Culture
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Effect of illumination on the obstacle-crossing behaviors of elder women
- Tian wen, author
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Software for longitudinal and integrated analysis of physical capacities of individuals and groups of athletes
- Júlia Barreira Augusto, Faculdade de Educação Física
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› A comparison of foot strike events using the force plate and peak impact acceleration measures
- Niamh Whelan, Biomechanics Research Unit, University of Limerick - Robin Healy, Biomechanics Research Unit, University of Limerick - Andrew Harrison, Biomechanics Research Unit, University of Limerick - Ian Kenny, University of Limerick [IRLANDE]
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› The examination of upper limb ambidexterity in wrestling snap down technique
- Nicholas DeCastro, Bridgewater State University - Tom Wu, Bridgewater State University
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Comparison of kinetics of the leg joints in seoi-nage between elite and college judo athletes
- TAKANORI ISHII, Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› Muscle recruitment sequence and total reaction time during a karate roundhouse kick
- Chih-Chung Hu, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Validity and reliability of the microsoft kinect to obtain the execution time of the taekwondo's frontal kick
- Amanda Silvatti, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› A surrogate method for discrete movement data
- Paul Taylor, Australian Catholic University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Validity of a maker-based locator for measuring in vivo three-dimensional scapular static poses using stereophotogrammetry
- Mei-Ying Kuo, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Department of Physical Therapy, China Medical University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Comparison of kinematic parameters of gait in transfemoral amputees with bionic and hydraulic knee – case study
- Jaroslav Uchytil, Human Motion Diagnostic Center, Department of Human Movement Studies, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
11:45-11:50 (05min)
› A case study of the kicking foot and stance in roundhouse kick: control and combat situations
- Pedro Suarez, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Gustavo Bernardina, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Amanda Silvatti, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› Neuromuscular performance of dollyo chagui: comparison of subelite and elite taekwondo athletes
- Pedro Moreira, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho [Rio Claro] - Mauro Gonçalves, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho [Rio Claro - SP]
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› Jumping performances in national 2 women handball players: effect of a 3-month plyometric training program.
- Sylvain DURAND, EA 4334 Motricité, Interactions, Performance - Quentin GUIARD, EA 4334 Motricité, Interactions, Performance
11:55-12:00 (05min)
› The effects of a double breast mastectomy on upper body position during simulated horseback riding: a case study
- Jenny Burbage, University of Portsmouth
11:55-12:00 (05min)
11:05 - 12:00 (55min)
Poster session 5
![]() E. Buckeridge
› Iliotibial band strain during two running speed conditions focused on the hip joint angle
- Shinji Tomiyama, Department of integrated art and science (Hiroshima University), Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› The comparison of different elastic tension of kinesio taping on gastrocnemius muscle activation
- Hsiao-Yun Chang, School of Physical Therpy, Chung Shan Medical University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Electromyography of lower limb muscles during kettlebell exercises
- Randall Jensen, School of Health and Human Performance, Northern Michigan University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Rotator cuff activation during the olympic snatch under various loading conditions
- Andrew Ernst, School of Health and Human Performance, Northern Michigan University - Randall Jensen, School of Health and Human Performance, Northern Michigan University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Effects of footwear on sagittal plane kinematics and centre of pressure excursion during the barbell back squat
- Gerwyn Hughes, University of Hertfordshire
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Change in kinetics of throwing arm joints in elementary school children due to training of a distance throw
- yasuto kobayashi, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Study of the mechanism of explosive force production on quick lift motion by analysis of emg and motion
- Hideyuki Nagao, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokai University
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Development and evaluation of a method to quantify rugby place kick performance from initial ball flight data
- Alexandra Atack, St Mary's University
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Effect of load and various equipment modalities on back squat biomechanics in elite powerlifters
- Erich Petushek, School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› The effect of increasing jump steps on the take-off leg in bounding
- Yasushi Kariyama, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› Effect of sauna therapy on overhead squat depth in elite weightlifters
- Carlson Breanne, Department of Health and Human Performance, Northern Michigan University
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› The characteristics of hitting motion using bats having different length and mass but equal moment of inertia
- Kazutaka Takahashi, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Effect of fatigue on elector spinae muscles on trunk postural kinematics and electro myographyic activitis during repetitive back squat
- Nomura Yohei, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ryotokuji University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Using barbell kinematics to provide the coach with the feedback for the snatch
- Hung Ta Chiu, National Cheng Kung University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Effect of pilates based exercise on body sway and shooting performance of brazilians police.
- Araceli Goedert, Universidade Federal do Parana [Curitiba]
11:45-11:50 (05min)
› Biomechanical assessment of change of direction performance in male university soccer players
- Ken Morrison, University of New Brunswick
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› What can we learn from top 10 percent students in biomechanics?
- ChengTu Hsieh, California State University, Chico
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› Attack height and jump height for men's volleyball players
- ChengTu Hsieh, California State University, Chico - Zachary Lamm, California State University, Chico
11:55-12:00 (05min)
› Baseball feet-first sliding technique
- Tessa Hanson, California State University, Chico
11:55-12:00 (05min)
11:05 - 12:00 (55min)
Poster session 8
![]() P. Chenfu
› Change in muscle activity during skiing using 2 simulators
- HYOTAEK LEE, Pukyong National University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Transitioning from road running to trail running
- Matthew Kilgas, Northern Michigan University
11:05-11:10 (05min)
› Comparison of technique characteristics of sprint running at maximal and submaximal speeds
- Oleg Nemtsev, Adyghe State University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Trial stabilisation of running biomechanics with shoe familiarisation in trained distance runners
- Marianne Gittoes, Cardiff Metropolitan University
11:10-11:15 (05min)
› Using a wireless inertial sensor to measure tibial shock during running: agreement with a skin mounted sensor
- Leona Brayne, Centre for Sports Engineering Research
11:15-11:20 (05min)
› Magnitude and technical characteristics of external force production in the starting blocks: relationship with performance
- Brazil Adam, Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› The Effects of Knee Taping Techniques on Lower Extremity Kinematics During Running
- Ariel Pelletier, School of Kinesiology, Lakehead University
11:20-11:25 (05min)
› Mechanical work calculation methods to evaluate distance runners
- Keitaro Seki, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Vertical stiffness during maximal sprinting in a transfemoral amputee: a case study
- Yoko Sano, Tokyo University of Science, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
11:25-11:30 (05min)
› Leg stiffness asymmetry during running in high level female track athletes.
- Mark Moresi, Australian Catholic University
11:30-11:35 (05min)
› Asymmetry in sprint running: strength and performance interactions
- Timothy Exell, Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Bend Sprinting at Different Radii of an Outdoor Athletics Track
- Sarah Churchill, Academy of Sport and Physical Activity, Sheffield Hallam University, Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Bath
11:35-11:40 (05min)
› Asymmetric contribution of support leg to curved running velocity
- ISHIMURA Kazuhiro, Graduate School of Health and Sport Sciences, Chukyo University
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Upper trunk-pelvis axial rotation coordination during treadmill running
- Yumeng Li, The University of Georgia - (USA)
11:40-11:45 (05min)
› Estimating step parameters using photoelectric cells
- Robin Healy, Biomechanics Research Unit, University of Limerick
11:45-11:50 (05min)
› Comfort and plantar pressure pattern during running with prefabricated insoles
- Bjoern Braunstein, Center for Health and Integrative Physiology in Space, German Research Centre of Elite Sport, German Sport University Cologne, Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› Marathon stride rate dynamics: A case study
- Michelle Norris, University of Limerick
11:50-11:55 (05min)
› Foot strike patterns in runners wearing floating heel, minimilist and conventional footwear.
- Andrew Barnes, Academy of Sport and Physical Activity
11:55-12:00 (05min)
› Longitudinal assessment of young swimmers' performance and its predictors
- Pedro Morouço, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
11:55-12:00 (05min)
12:00 - 13:25 (1h25)
![]() 13:25 - 14:10 (45min)
Keynote: J. Duchateau (Chair: J. Alderson)
![]() 14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
![]() G. Struzenberger
› “Birth is like a marathon” revisiting childbirth by using sport biomechanics approaches
- David Desseauve, Institute PPrime, CNRS & University of Poitiers, Obstetrics-Gynecology department, University Hospital of Poitiers - Laetitia Fradet, Institute PPrime, CNRS & University of Poitiers - Fabrice Pierre, Obstetrics-Gynecology department, University Hospital of Poitiers
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Effect of a stretching program on overhead athletes with a stiff and painful shoulder
- Schwartz Cédric, Laboratoire d'Analyse du Mouvement Humain, University of Liège
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› The effects of whole body vibration on postural orientation: the duration and frequency of stimulation
- Deniz Sımsek, Deniz
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› Lower body kinematics and muscle activity during exercices in 3d motorized rotating platform. in-vivo study and model
- Alexis NEZ, Institut Pprime, Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› The benefits of stretching during immobilzation
- Bryan Christensen, North Dakota State University
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› Changes in hip vector after athletic groin pain rehabilitation
- Chris Richter, Dublin City University, School of Health and Human Performance, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Sports Surgery Clinic
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› Does the sitting position influence clay target shooting performance in athletes with a motor impairment?
- Valentina Camomilla, Interuniversity Centre of Bioengineering of the Human Neuromusculoskeletal System, University of Rome "Foro Italico", Rome
16:00-16:15 (15min)
14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
Acrobatic Sports
![]() G. Irwin
› Relative contribution of contact and aerial components in the control of aerial rotation to guide acrobatics skills learning
- Diane Haering, Université de Montréal
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Release and re-grasp windows for the kovacs on high bar
- Fred Yeadon, Loughborough University
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Toward an ideal performance of circles on pommel horse -centrifugal force and mass-centre velocity-
- toshiyuki fujihara, School of Health and Sport Sciences, Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› A kinematic analysis of the backward 2.5 somersaults with 1.5 twists dive (5253b) from the 3m springboard
- Cherie Walker, NSW Institute of Sport, The University of Sydney
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› Wrist joint loading during the round-off skills in female gymnastics
- Roman Farana, Department of Human Movement Studies, Human Motion Diagnostic Centre, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› Effective execution of the flight in quadruple jumps in figure skating
- Ilka Seidel, Institute for Applied Training Science Leipzig
15:30-15:45 (15min)
› Load condition of the wrist during the forward handspring, the forward handspring with ulnar deviated hand positioning and the backward handspring
- Michael Angst, Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› Comparison of two preparation procedures (harrowing vs. Rolling) applied to an equestrian sport arena: effects on the dynamic variables in 3 horses landing after a jump
- Nathalie Crevier-Denoix, Unité INRA-ENVA BPLC
16:00-16:15 (15min)
14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
![]() J.B. Morin
› Acute effects of technical instructions on sprint acceleration technique and performance
- Neil Bezodis, St Mary's Univeristy
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Does side of amputation affect 200- and 400-m race time in sprinters using running-specific prostheses?
- Hiroaki Hobara, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Dynamic contribution analysis on the propulsion mechanism of sprinter during initial acceleration phase
- Yuki Nagai, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› Dynamic contribution of joint torques to the generation of swing leg motion in sprint
- Shingo Sudo, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› Sprint start kinetics: comparison of amputee and non-amputee sprinters
- Steffen Willwacher, Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› A case study of maximum velocity sprint running performance and technique changes within an elite training group
- Ian Bezodis, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UNITED KINGDOM)
15:30-15:45 (15min)
› A comparison of different methods for identifying transition steps in the acceleration phase of sprint running
- Hans von Lieres und Wilkau, Cardiff Metropolitan University (UNITED KINGDOM)
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› Contribution of the lower extremity joints to mechanical energy in athletics curve sprinting
- Kai Heinrich, Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University Cologne
16:00-16:15 (15min)
14:15 - 16:15 (2h)
Gait & Locomotion
![]() A. Silvatti
› Analysis of plantar surface data during the loaded phase of gait on inclined surfaces
- Albert K. chong, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› The effects of load and speed on the ground reaction forces of the soldier during uphill, downhill and level waking
- Heinrich Nolte, Ergonomics Technologies, Research and Development, Armscor
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Could tai chi exercise impove stability in elderly? Strategies of stepping over obstacles
- song qipeng, Shanghai University of Sport, author, Shanghai University of Sport
14:45-15:00 (15min)
› Cross-Shaping – The More Effective Nordic Walking? Results of a Biomechanical Field Study
- Thomas Jöllenbeck, Universität Paderborn - Department Sport & Gesundheit, Klinik Lindenplatz - Institut für Biomechanik - Juliane Pietschmann, Universität Paderborn - Department Sport & Gesundheit, Klinik Lindenplatz - Institut für Biomechanik
15:00-15:15 (15min)
› Effect of thong style flip-flops and supportive shoes on childrens barefoot sidestep kinematics
- Angus Chard, Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science
15:15-15:30 (15min)
› The influence of heel height on ankle kinematics during standing, walking, jogging and sidestepping in children
- Xianyi Zhang, KU Leuven [Leuven]
15:30-15:45 (15min)
› Instantaneous and prolonged effects of a triple density midsole during sanding and walking tasks
- Marc LeVangie, Human Performance Laboratory
15:45-16:00 (15min)
› The contribution of the flight phase in elite race walking
- Brian Hanley, Leeds Beckett University
16:00-16:15 (15min)
16:15 - 16:45 (30min)
Coffee break + Poster
![]() 16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: Sprint
J.B. Morin
› Sprint acceleration mechanics
- Jean Benoit MORIN, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
16:45-17:15 (30min)
› Sprint acceleration biomechanics
- Steffen Willwacher, Institute for Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
17:15-17:45 (30min)
› A simple method to measure external force, power output and effectiveness of force application during sprint acceleration
- Jean Benoit MORIN, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
17:45-18:15 (30min)
16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: Elastography
A. Nordez
› Elastography for muscle biomechanics
- Antoine Nordez, Université de Nantes - Jean-Luc Gennisson, Université Paris VII - Gael Guilhem, INSEP - Institut national du sport, de l'expertise et de la performance - Francois Hug, University of Queensland
16:45-18:45 (2h)
16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: swimming
M. Samson
› Hydrodynamic measurements around moving bodies
- Mathias Samson, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI
16:45-17:15 (30min)
› Kinematic and dynamic coupled measurements in tethered front crawl swimming
- Mathias Samson, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI
17:15-18:00 (45min)
› Hydrodynamic measurements around moving profiles: flapping flight, water turbine, and oscillating profile.
- Laurent David, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI
18:00-18:45 (45min)
16:45 - 18:45 (2h)
Applied session: Impact
E. Preatoni
› From measurement to modelling in sport collisions.
- Ezio Preatoni, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
16:45-17:15 (30min)
› Analysis of cervical spine loading in rugby scrummaging: a computer simulation approach
- Dario Cazzola, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
17:15-17:45 (30min)
› Measuring impacts and informing modelling processes
- Grant Trewartha, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
17:45-18:15 (30min)
› Effect of soft tissue on dissipating energy & reducing forces
- Matt T.G. Pain, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
18:15-18:45 (30min)
19:00 - 20:30 (1h30)
Wine & Cheese night
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7:15 - 8:00 (45min)
Welcome coffee
![]() 7:15 - 8:00 (45min)
Kistler workshop
![]() 8:00 - 9:15 (1h15)
Injury Prevention
![]() H. Bayne
› Effects of seat position on joint loads of the upper extremities during handcycling in wheelchair-dependent individuals
- Jia-Da Li, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› A kinematic analysis of the sticking region in full back squats
- Roland van den Tillaar, Department of Teacher Education and Sports, University College of Nord Trøndelag, Levanger
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Hip- and back-protectors in sports and everyday life - effective protection?
- Thomas Jöllenbeck, Klinik Lindenplatz - Institut für Biomechanik, Universität Paderborn - Department Sport & Gesundheit - Juliane Pietschmann, Klinik Lindenplatz - Institut für Biomechanik, Universität Paderborn - Department Sport & Gesundheit
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Influence of Short-Term Growth on Mechanical Risk Indicators in Female Gymnasts
- Hannah Wyatt, Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Effect of previous hamstring injury and limb dominance on kicking biomechanics in elite female soccer players
- Archit Navandar, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
09:00-09:15 (15min)
8:00 - 9:15 (1h15)
Knee biomechanics
![]() Y.-H. Kwon
› The effect of limb preference on knee mechanics during a fatigued unanticipated sidestepping manoeuvre
- Kaitlyn Weiss, Sport Performance Research Institute New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› The relationship between optimal knee flexion angle and hamstring flexibility: indication for hamstring strain injury
- Hui Liu, Biomechanics Laboratory, Beijing Sport University
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Knee joint biomechanics under systematically increased loading conditions in running
- Katina Mira Fischer, Institute for Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Influence of playing surface on knee loads during running, sidestep cutting and drop jumping
- Philippe Rouch, Institut de Biomecanique Humaine Georges Charpak / LBM
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Stretch-shortening cycle function of the knee extensor muscle-tendon unit during the power clean
- Kristof Kipp, Marquette University
09:00-09:15 (15min)
8:00 - 9:15 (1h15)
Jumping & Landing
![]() D. Harrison
› Kinetic and kinematic features of countermovement and sauté jumps in classical ballet dancers
- Mariana Diehl, University of Campinas [Campinas]
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› The effect of side step on lower extremity biomechanics during block landing in female volleyball players
- Chen-Fu Huang, Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Changes in principal component structure of countermovement jumps after a volleyball season
- Kristof Kipp, Marquette University
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Jumps in different levels of water: an optimal environment to jump on land
- Shu-Min Tsai, Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of Taipei, Taiwan
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Influence of externally damping on impact-induced soft tissue vibrations and muscle responses in landings
- Weijie Fu, Shanghai University of Sport
09:00-09:15 (15min)
8:00 - 9:15 (1h15)
Gait & Locomotion
![]() T. Exell
› Comparison of maximal passive hallux dorsiflexion with midfoot moment in push off phase during gait
- Anne Luchtenberg, University of Twente - Richard Smith, The University of Sydney
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Minimaxx player load as an index of the center of mass displacement? a validation study
- Giuseppe Rabita, French National Institute of Sport
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Effect of running speed and surface inclination on muscle activation during treadmill running by women
- Randall Jensen, School of Health and Human Performance, Northern Michigan University
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Ground reaction force and kinematic characteristics of pirouette in ballet in flat shoes versus pointe shoes
- Mayumi Kuno-Mizumura, Ochanomizu University
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Could long-term exercise improve the obstacle-crossing ability of elderly women? Effects of tai chi and aerobic dance exercises
- Cui Wang, WangCuicuiChina, 761722647@qq.com, author - Xue Tian, 1291913689@163.com, co-author - Qi Song, songqipeng@163.com, co-author - Cui Zhang, co-author, 418576124@qq.com - De Mao, supervisor, 761722647@qq.com - Yan Jia, co-author, 761722647@qq.com
09:00-09:15 (15min)
9:20 - 9:45 (25min)
Keynote: G. Strutzenberger (Chair: G. Irwin)
![]() 9:45 - 10:10 (25min)
Keynote: G. Rao
![]() (Chair: A. Veloso)
10:15 - 19:00 (8h45)
Cognac - La Rochelle - Marais Poitevin - Chateaux de la Loire - Futuroscope
7:15 - 8:00 (45min)
Welcome coffee
![]() 7:15 - 8:00 (45min)
Student Mentoring Program: Breakfast
![]() 8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
Injury Prevention
![]() D. Knudson
› Anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors differences between female dancers and female soccer players during single-legged and double legged landing tasks
- Bee-Oh Lim, Department of Physical Education, Chungang University
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› The acute effects of the prevent injury enhance performance programme (pep) on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors
- McCann Chris, Leeds Metropolitan University
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› The effect of biomechanically focused injury prevention training on reducing anterior cruciate ligament injury risk among female community level athletes
- Jonathan Staynor, The University of Western Australia
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Hamstring stiffness is related to anterior tibial translation when transitioning from non-weight bearing to weight bearing
- Justin Waxman, Applied Neuromechanics Research Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Effects of a manual therapy on tibiofemoral joint forces in patients with acute anterior cruciate ligament rupture
- Nathalie Alexander, Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Reducing acl injury risk by standing still with zero impact perceptual (zip) training!
- Stephen Tidman, The University of Western Australia
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› How much is enough? maintaining the biomechanical benefits of an acl injury prevention training program
- Gillian Weir, The University of Western Australia
09:30-09:45 (15min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
Rowing and kayaking
![]() P. Sinclair
› A comparison of stroke characteristics between team boat (K2) and individual (K1) sprint kayaking
- Cheryl Tay, Nanyang Technological University - NTU (REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE)
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Performance related technique factors in Olympic sprint kayaking
- Barney Wainwright, Leeds Beckett University
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Elite and sub elite flat water sprint kayakers performance comparison: a preliminary result
- Yun Loi Lok, The University of Sydney, National Defence University of Malaysia
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Design, validation, and application of an unobtrusive oar force-angle measurement system
- Timothy Turner, The University of Sydney
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Specific and non specific rowing field evaluation correlated with ergometer rowing performance
- Caroline Giroux, Laboratoire Motricité, Interactions, Performance
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Effect of the ergometer design on pelvic twisting in elite rowers
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› A 6-component paddle sensor to estimate kayaker's performance: preliminary results
- Franco Munoz Nates, Unité INRA-ENVA BPLC
09:30-09:45 (15min)
› Oar blade power output and boat velocity in context of rower leg, knee and trunk coordination in sculling
- Chris Baten, Universiy of Twente - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Roessingh Research and Development
09:45-09:45 ()
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
![]() B. Mason
› Hydrodynamic angles, orientation and velocity of the hand in front crawl swimming
- Mathias Samson, Institut P' CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA UPR 3346 SP2MI
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Technical and physiological responses of swimming crawl-stroke using hand paddles, fins and snorkel in swimming flume: a pilot study
- Ana Ruiz-Teba, University of Granada
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› The kick start: key of its superiority
- Sonia Taladriz, University of Granada
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Relative force and PAP in swimming start performance
- Francisco Cuenca-Fernández, University of Granada
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› Can intra-cyclic force variation be a valuable parameter to evaluate the forces exerted by swimmers?
- Pedro Morouço, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› Kinetic and kinematic analysis of the backstroke start
- Suzanne Sinistaj, Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Effect of fatigue on kinematics of sprint underwater undulatory swimming
- Raúl Arellano, University of Granada
09:30-09:45 (15min)
8:00 - 9:45 (1h45)
![]() L. Fradet
› Kinematic analysis of cable force during hammer throws with heavier implements
- Kenichi Hirose, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science, University of Tsukuba
08:00-08:15 (15min)
› Technique comparison of male and female hammer throwers
- Konz Suzanne, Marshall University
08:15-08:30 (15min)
› Effect of fatigue on basketball three points shot kinematics
- Jean SLAWINSKI, Centre d'étude et de recherche sur le sport et le mouvement
08:30-08:45 (15min)
› Shoulder joint velocity during fastball pitching in baseball
- Xavier Gasparutto, Sports Engineering Institute, Delft University of Technology
08:45-09:00 (15min)
› The effect of performance level on initial ball flight kinematics in elite and pathway wrist-spin bowlers
- Wayne Spratford, Australian Institute of Sport
09:00-09:15 (15min)
› An EMG profile of lower limb muscles during linear glide and standing shot putting
- Róisín Howard, University of Limerick
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› Variations in pitching performance during a major league baseball game: what can we learn from ball tracking data?
- David Whiteside, University of Michigan [Ann Arbor]
09:30-09:45 (15min)
9:45 - 10:15 (30min)
Coffee break
![]() 10:15 - 11:00 (45min)
Keynote: T-W. Lu (Chair: B. Vanwanseele)
![]() 11:05 - 12:05 (1h)
Teaching & Coaching Biomechanics
![]() C. Hsieh
› Biomechanics research concept inventory
- Duane Knudson, Texas State University
11:05-11:20 (15min)
› Development of a real-time biofeedback tool for martial arts coaching practice
- Gongbing Shan, University of Lethbridge
11:20-11:35 (15min)
› A fencing kinematic analysis based on coach's criteria
- Sônia Cavalcanti Corrêa, Presbyterian University Mackenzie
11:35-11:50 (15min)
› Video measurement of linear displacement along an oblique line using the cross-ratio.
- Mark Colpus, University of Greenwich
11:50-12:05 (15min)
11:05 - 12:05 (1h)
Combat Sports
![]() G. Guilhem & K. Sato
› Kinematic comparison between athletes from the international and the world taekwondo federations in the roundhouse kick
- Afonsa Silva, University of Campinas
11:05-11:20 (15min)
› Biomechanics of judo breakfall for osoto-gari in adolsecent judokas
- Sentaro Koshida, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ryotokuji University
11:20-11:35 (15min)
› Effect of post-activation potentiation on kinematics and kicking performance in a roundhouse kick with trained martial arts practitioners
- Håkon Strand Aandahl, Department of Teacher Education and Sports, University College of Nord Trøndelag, Levanger
11:35-11:50 (15min)
› Dose faster hopping frequency improve response time and kicking speed in taekwondo roundhouse kick ?
- Young-Kwan Kim, Chonnam National University
11:50-12:05 (15min)
11:05 - 12:05 (1h)
![]() K. Ball
› Elementary school boys' soccer kick skill analysis
- Lin Chun-Ta, Dr. Lin
11:05-11:20 (15min)
› Developmental differences of kinematic and muscular activation patterns in instep soccer kick
- Ali Onur Cerrah, Anadolu University
11:20-11:35 (15min)
› Analysis of the sprints features during futsal matches
- Felipe Moura, Sport Sciences Department, State University of Londrina
11:35-11:50 (15min)
› Does forceful extension of the support leg during the kicking stride enhance maximal instep kick performance in a skilled soccer player?
- Neal Smith, University of Chichester
11:50-12:05 (15min)
11:05 - 12:05 (1h)
Sensor Technology
![]() V. Camomilla
› Using inertial sensors for reconstructing 3D full-body movement in sports - possibilities and limitations on the example of alpine ski racing
- Benedikt Fasel, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
11:05-11:20 (15min)
› A Calibration Procedure for MIMU Sensors Allowing for the Calculation of Elbow Angles
- Valentina Camomilla, University of Rome "Foro Italico", Interuniversity Centre of Bioengineering of the Human Neuromusculoskeletal System
11:20-11:35 (15min)
› Validation of an imu-system (gait-up) to identify gait parameters in normal and induced limping walking conditions
- Hermann Schwameder, Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg
11:35-11:50 (15min)
› Biomechanics of surfing: development and validation of an instrumented surfboard to measure surfboard kinetics
- Kévin LESTRADE, Institut de Mécanique et d'Ingénierie de Bordeaux, Laboratoire de l'intégration, du matériau au système
11:50-12:05 (15min)
12:05 - 13:30 (1h25)
![]() 12:45 - 13:30 (45min)
Annual General Meeting
![]() 13:30 - 14:30 (1h)
![]() J. Ostarello
› Use of the kinematic chain in the fencing attacking lunge
- Francis Mulloy, University of Lincoln
13:30-13:45 (15min)
› Kinematic analysis of the snatch technique of colombian 62 kg division weightlifters participating in the 52nd national championship, "Cartagena 2014".
- Alfredo Restrepo, Universidad Manuela Beltran, Centro de Ciencias del Deporte -Coldeportes
13:45-14:00 (15min)
› The association between unilateral balance and kicking
- Kevin Ball, Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL) Victoria University
14:00-14:15 (15min)
13:30 - 14:30 (1h)
Skiing and Pole-vault
![]() H. Schwameder
› Kinetic and kinematic comparison of alpine ski racing disciplines as a base for specific conditioning regimes
- Josef Kröll, Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg
13:30-13:45 (15min)
› Study on the influence of changes of air resistance athletes' taking-off speed in freestyle skiing aerials
- Ma Yi, Li Dong - Wang Xin, Li Dong
13:45-14:00 (15min)
› Elevated track in pole vault, what advantage for run-up determinants of performance ?
- Johan CASSIRAME, Matsport, University of Franche-Comté - Hervé SANCHEZ, Matsport - Jean Benoit MORIN, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
14:00-14:15 (15min)
› Differentiation of the energetic parameters between male and female elite pole vaulters
- Andrew Lyttle, Western Australian Institute of Sport
14:15-14:30 (15min)
13:30 - 14:30 (1h)
Jumping & Landing
![]() S. Park
› Joint work of the take-off leg during elite high jump
- Jan-Peter Goldmann, Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Research Centre of Elite Sport, German Sport University Cologne
13:30-13:45 (15min)
› Using vertical jump power and standing long jump power to determine muscle imbalance
- Konz Suzanne, Marshall University
13:45-14:00 (15min)
› Effect of landing surface and upper extremity constraint on biomechanics graded by the landing error scoring system
- Daniel Herman, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, University of Florida
14:00-14:15 (15min)
› Evaluating the effect of a perceptual-cognitive task on landing biomechanics of the lower limb
- Jérémy Méjane, CHUM Research Center, École de Technologie Supérieure, Laboratoire de recherche en Imagerie et Orthopédie
14:15-14:30 (15min)
13:30 - 14:30 (1h)
![]() S. Dorel
› Electromechanical delay and its mechanisms are not impaired following eccentric exercise
- LILIAN LACOURPAILLE, French National Institute of Sport
13:30-13:45 (15min)
› Influence of genetic variations in physical fitness
- Carlos Bueno Junior, School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo
13:45-14:00 (15min)
› Parametric study of musculo-articular stiffness obtained by free vibration technique
- Federico París, University of Pablo de Olavide, University of Pablo de Olavide
14:00-14:15 (15min)
› The influence of muscular activation profiles on lower limb biomechanics during a sport-specific landing task
- Aaron Fox, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Australia
14:15-14:30 (15min)
14:00 - 15:00 (1h)
› Skipp from head to toes: sports kinesiology, injury prevention and performance - concussion to achilles injury biomechanics
- Patria Hume, Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand, AUT University
14:00-14:05 (05min)
› The interface between clinical and performance related biomechanics – an emerging researcher's journey
- Gerda Strutzenberger, Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg
14:05-14:10 (05min)
› Image-based measurement and biomechanical analysis of the knee joint during functional activities
- Tung-Wu Lu, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National Taiwan University
14:10-14:15 (05min)
› The reorganization of the neuromuscular system during ageing: influence of regular physical activity
- Jacques Duchateau, Laboratory of Applied Biology and Neurophysiology, Université Libre de Bruxelles
14:15-14:20 (05min)
› Generating and applying knowledge in sports biomechanics: examples from rowing and running
- Richard Smith, The University of Sydney
14:20-14:25 (05min)
› Physical activity in virtual reality
- Franck Multon, Laboratoire Mouvement Sport Santé
14:25-14:30 (05min)
› How multilevel biomechanical modelling can help understanding sport movement and designing sport equipment
- Guillaume Rao, Institut E. J. Marey
14:30-14:35 (05min)
› Measuring bilateral asymmetry in a long-term athlete monitoring
- Kimitake Sato, East Tennessee State University
14:35-14:40 (05min)
› Methodological challenges for biomechanical appoaches In winter sports
- Veit Senner, Sport Equipment and Materials, Technische Universität München, Germany
14:40-14:45 (05min)
› Optimal prostheses, orthoses and exoskeletons for physical activity
- Katja Mombaur, Universität Heidelberg (GERMANY)
14:45-14:50 (05min)
14:30 - 15:15 (45min)
NIA Finalists (chair: R. Sanders)
![]() 15:15 - 16:00 (45min)
Hans Gros Award: K. Sato (chair: R. Jensen)
![]() 16:00 - 16:15 (15min)
Closing ceremony
![]() 16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
Applied session: Cycling
S. Dorel
› Neuromechanics of cycling: opportuities for optimizing performance
- Sylvain Dorel, University of Nantes
16:30-18:00 (1h30)
16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
Applied session: Impact
E. Preatoni
› From measurement to modelling in sport collisions.
- Ezio Preatoni, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
16:30-17:00 (30min)
› Analysis of cervical spine loading in rugby scrummaging: a computer simulation approach
- Dario Cazzola, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
17:00-17:30 (30min)
› Measuring impacts and informing modelling processes
- Grant Trewartha, Department for Health - University of Bath (UK)
17:30-18:00 (30min)
› Effect of soft tissue on dissipating energy & reducing forces
- Matt T.G. Pain, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
18:00-18:30 (30min)
16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
Applied Session: PA monitoring
F. Marin
› Physical activity monitoring and ambulatory movement analysis using inertial measurement units
- Frédéric Marin, Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, UMR CNRS 7338 Biomécanique et Bioingénierie, Compiègne, F-60205, France
16:30-16:50 (20min)
› Inertial measurement unit in biomechanics and sport biomechanics: past, present, future
- Frédéric Marin, Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, UMR CNRS 7338 Biomécanique et Bioingénierie, Compiègne, F-60205, France
16:50-17:10 (20min)
› In-field use of wearable magneto-inertial sensors for sports performance evaluation
- Valentina Camomilla, Department of Motor, Human and Health Sciences, University of Rome "Foro Italico", Interuniversity Centre of Bioengineering of the Human Neuromusculoskeletal System
17:10-17:30 (20min)
› Continuous monitoring of movement in patients with Parkinson's disease using inertial sensors
- Mahmoud El-Gohary, APDM Inc., Portland, Oregon, USA
17:30-17:50 (20min)
› From traditional to interdisciplinary approaches for inertial body motion capture
- Bertram Taetz, Kaiserslautern University of Technology
17:50-18:10 (20min)
› Translating movement data in performance or disability metrics using barcode and signature
- Benoit Mariani, Gait Up SA, Lausanne
18:10-18:30 (20min)
16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
Applied session: Sprint
J.B. Morin
› Sprint acceleration mechanics
- Jean Benoit MORIN, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
16:30-17:00 (30min)
› Sprint acceleration biomechanics
- Steffen Willwacher, Institute for Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
17:00-17:30 (30min)
› A simple method to measure external force, power output and effectiveness of force application during sprint acceleration
- Jean Benoit MORIN, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
17:30-18:00 (30min)
16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
ISBS post-conference meeting
![]() 19:30 - 23:00 (3h30)
Closing Gala
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