Scientific Program > Young Blood Keynotes
Dr Gerda Strutzenberger

Senior Scientist at the University of Salzburg (Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology), Austria, Dr Gerda Strutzenberger will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"The Interface Between Clinical and Performance Related Biomechanics - An Emerging Researcher's Journey"
Dr Gerda Strutzenberger's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here.
Dr Guillaume Rao

Associate professor in Biomechanics both at the Sport Sciences Department of Aix-Marseille University and at the Institute of Movement Sciences (UMR CNRS 7287) in Marseille, France, Dr Guillaume Rao will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"How Multilevel Biomechanical Modeling Can Help in Understanding Sport Movement and Designing Sport Equipments" (view the paper)
Dr Guillaume Rao's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here.