Scientific Program > Keynotes
Prof. Richard Smith
Geoffrey Dyson Lecturer

Richard Smith is Professor of Biomechanics and leads the Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour team in the Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of Sydney, Australia. Prof Richard Smith will give the Geoffrey Dyson keynote lecture entitled:
"Generating and applying knowledge in sports biomechanics: examples from rowing and running"
Prof. Richard Smith's bio and an abstract of his Geoffrey Dyson keynote can be viewed here
Prof. Jacques Duchateau
Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), and Director of the Laboratory of Applied Biology Research Unit in Applied Neurophysiology, Faculty for Motor Sciences, Prof. Jacques Duchateau will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"The Reorganisation of the Neuromuscular System During Ageing: Influence of Regular Physical Activity"
Prof. Jacques Duchateau's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here
Prof. Patria Hume
Professor of Human Performance at the Auckland Institute of Technology, Director of the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand and Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Prof. Patria Hume will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"SKIPP from head to toe - Sports Kinesiology, Injury Prevention and Performance: Concussion to Achilles Injury Biomechanics"
Prof. Patria Hume's bio and an abstract of her keynote can be viewed here
Prof. Franck Multon

Professor in University Rennes2 (France) - M2S Lab and MimeTIC/Inria, Prof. Franck Multon will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"Physical Activity in Virtual Reality" (view the paper)
Prof. Franck Multon's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here
Prof. Tung-Wu Lu

Tung-Wu Lu is Professor of Biomechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University. Prof. Tung-Wu Lu will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"Image-Based Measurement and Biomechanical Analysis of the Knee Joint During Functional Activities"
Prof. Tung-Wu Lu's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here
Prof. Veit Senner

Veit Senner is Professor of Biomechanics related to human equipment interaction and head of Speciality Division Sport Equipment and Materials at Technishe Universität München, Germany. Prof. Veit Senner will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"Methodological Challenges for Biomechanical Approaches in Wintersports"
Prof. Veit Senner's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here
Prof. Katja Mombaur
Katja Mombaur is Professor at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), and Head of the Research Group “Optimization in Robotics & Biomechanics”, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, University of Heidelberg. Prof. Katja Mombaur will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"Optimal prostheses, orthoses and exoskeletons for physical activity"
Prof. Katja Mombaur's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here.
Dr. Kimitake Sato
Hans Gros Lecturer

Dr. Kimitake Sato is assistant Professor, adjunct faculty for the Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education, and sport biomechanist for Designated Olympic Training Site at East Tennessee State University.
Dr Sato will give a keynote lecture entitled:
"Measuring bilateral asymmetry in a long-term athlete monitoring" (view the paper)
Dr. Kimitake Sato's bio and an abstract of his keynote can be viewed here