With a strong expertise in the field of biomechanics engineering, SENSIX designs high-precision force-torque sensors to answer the specific needs of researchers and professionals of the scientific, medical and sports communities. |
VICON delivers highly accurate 3D movement analysis systems for use in clinical gait labs, research and dynamic injury assessment. Its flagship camera line offers the highest resolution, frame rates and accuracy available, allowing detailed motion capture in almost any environment. |
AMTI’s multi-axis force platforms and instrumented treadmills provide accurate, repeatable force data for many different sports science studies. With the OPTIMA system, AMTI is revolutionizing multi-axis force measurement technology with a platform offering 10-fold accuracy improvement over any other platform in the market. AMTI is now fully digitally integrated with all major motion capture systems. The Best science starts with the Best measurement. |
QUALISYS is a leading, global provider of products & services based on optical motion capture. The core technology of Qualisys products has been developed in Sweden since 1989. |
TRINOMA is a young tech company specializing in digital technologies for research, development and creative industries. We are focusing on optics-based measurement techniques as well as advanced information technology for science.
TRINOMA is, since May 2014, the French partner for leading motion capture systems manufacturer QUALISYS .
Taking Full Advantage of the Strengths of Piezoelectric Technology
KISTLER performance analysis systems for sports are helping to improve training methods in national sport science institutions, Olympic training centers and professional training and rehabilitation facilities. The unique piezoelectric measuring system offers numerous advantages and makes Kistler force plates a cost effective investment for biomechanical laboratories. With their longevity, high accuracy, linearity and sensitivity Kistler force plates provide reliable and reproducible results. |
TEA (Technology, Ergonomics, Applications) specializes in the development, supply and implementation of measurement and analysis devices for Motion Capture, Physical Analysis on Workplace, Head and Face motion, as well as Eye and Gaze tracking.
Applications are numerous in a large variety of fields : ergonomics, automotive, aerospace, transportation, driving assistance, human factors, biomechanics, robotics, medical research (neurology, disability, psychology, children), sports, health monitoring.
Delsys is a world leader in the design, manufacturing, and marketing of a broad portfolio of high performance Electromyography and biomechanical sensors. Today, Delsys continues to lead the innovation path by developing tools for neuromuscular research, rehabilitation clinics, human performance enhancement, and biofeedback applications, all of which are based on the conclusive results of extensive research and R&D leadership. |
BIOMETRICS France is active in the fields of research, clinical, rehabilitation, ergonomic and sport. The company is specialised in gait and 3D movement analysis.
MATSPORT mission is twofold: marketing technological products in the sports industry and implementing timing services and, IT event management in major sporting competitions. Our duty is to provide you with the best products, support, guidance and after sales. In addition, our timing service experience and expertise takes us throughout France but also around the world each year. |
SuperSonic Imagine develops and markets a revolutionary ultrasound system, Aixplorer®, with an UltraFast™ platform that can acquire images 200 times faster than conventional systems. It is the only system that can image two types of waves: ultrasound waves ensure excellent image quality and shear waves allow to visualize and analyze the stiffness of tissue in a real-time, reliable, reproducible and non-invasive manner. ShearWave™ Elastography, significantly improves the detection and characterization of numerous pathologies in all general imaging applications, including musculoskeletal application, which facilitates musculoskeletal and sports medicine diagnosis.
The Société de Biomécanique (SB) is an International Society of Biomechanics which regroups scientists from all over the world for which French is the spoken language.
SOFAMEA is the gait analysis society for French speakers within Europe.
HIKOB Learn from reality |
At HUMAN KINETICS our mission is to produce innovative, informative products in all areas of physical activity that help people worldwide lead healthier, more active lives. We are committed to providing quality informational and educational products in physical activity and health fields that meet the needs of our customers. |
As the market leaders in portable outdoor 3D Motion Capture Systems - CODAMOTION's unique technology is lightweight, portable and requires no calibration by the user when set up in a new location. No longer will you be confined by the constraints of your lab, take your motion capture lab with you anywhere! Visit Codamotion at ISBS to find out what we can do for you and how... |
NATURAL GRASS (NG) is a French innovative company that develops hybrid sport surfaces, i.e. natural turf rooted in an artificial rootzone. NG is the leader in the French market of top-level football and rugby pitches with its AirFibr® technology. AirFibr® is the latest generation of hybrid sports turf that combines resistance and softness for a high-performance playing with less injury risk. |
STT Systems was founded in 1998 and has since then developed innovative and affordable solutions in the fields of optical motion analysis, inertial motion analysis and 3D scanning. Existing customers worldwide include universities, hospitals, sports centers and others looking for off-the-shelf products -- and also those who seek custom-made solutions. |