Scientific Program > Applied Sessions

Sprint Acceleration Biomechanics
Coordinator: Prof. Jean-Benoit Morin (see his Biography)
Lecturers: Prof. Jean-Benoit Morin, Dr Steffen Willwacher (see his Biography).
Description of the Applied Session - Be careful, only 40 seats available The session will consist of performing kinetics and kinematics measurements of a sprint start and acceleration phase (starting-blocks and 40-m acceleration to top speed) on a track, and then directly analyze data. Measurements will be performed on the track during the first 20-30min of the session, followed by analyzes and discussion.
An extended abstact followed by the biographies of speakers can be viewed here.
This Applied Session is kindly supported by 

Virtual Reality & Sport
Coordinator: Prof. Franck Multon (see his Biography)
Lecturers: Prof. Franck Multon, Dr Richard Kulpa (see his Biography) and Dr Ferran Argelaguet (see his Biography).
Description of the Applied Session Virtual Reality is now widely used in many domains, for entertainment but also serious applications, such as analyzing the behaviors of subjects, or training skills in highly controlled environment.
An extended abstact followed by the biographies of speakers can be viewed here.

Kinematic and Dynamic Coupled Measurements in Front Crawl Swimming
Coordinator: Dr Tony Monnet and Mr Mathias Samson (see his Biography)
Lecturer: Mr Mathias Samson, Prof. Laurent David (see his Biogtraphy)
Description of the Applied Session - Be careful, only 50 seats available This applied session will consist of kinematics and dynamics coupled measurements of a tethered swimmer. This session will be conducted in the towing tank of the Institute PPRIME UPR3346.
An extended abstact followed by the biographies of speakers can be viewed here.
This Applied Session is kindly supported by and 

Improving Rowing Performance
Coordinator: Prof. Richard Smith (see his Biography)
Lecturers: Prof Richard Smith, Dr Conny Draper, Dr Leo Ng, Dr Julien Lardy
Description of the Applied Session This Applied Session is kindly supported by 

From Measurement to Modelling in Sport Collisions
Coordinator: Dr Ezio Preatoni (see his Biography)
Lecturers: Dr Grant Trewartha, Dr Dario Cazzola, Dr Matthew Pain.
Description of the Applied Session - Be careful, only 25 seats available:
The session will show how complex research topics in the area of injury prevention, such as sport collisions, could be addressed by implementing an integrated biomechanical approach.
An extended abstact followed by the biographies of speakers can be viewed here.
This Applied Session is kindly supported by

Neuromechanics of Cycling: opportunities for optimizing performance
Coordinator: Dr Sylvain Dorel (see his Biography)
Lecturers: Dr Sylvain Dorel, Dr Vincent Fohanno, Dr Mathieu Boucher, Dr Guillaume Rao
Description of the Applied Session
The session will be organized in different parts alternating talks illustrating biomechanical aspects of pedaling performance and practical demonstrations in real time. Drawing on the expertise of the different speakers, an effort will be made to discuss about i) the practical issues of measurement (and processing) and to a larger extent about ii) the future opportunities for optimizing coordination and performance in this task (especially in sprint cycling). For that, the presentation will provide recent supporting concrete examples regarding the world-class level performance in sprint track cycling.
An extended abstact followed by the biographies of speakers can be viewed here.
This Applied Session is kindly supported by and

Physical Activity Monitoring
Coordinator: Prof. Frédéric Marin (see his Biography)
Lecturers: Frédéric Marin, Valentina Camomilla, Mahmoud El-Gohary, Bertram Taetz, Benoit Mariani.
Description of the Applied Session This session will present the current technology and methodology used for physical activity monitoring and ambulatory motion analysis. It will also discuss the perspectives but also the issues met when performing physical activity monitoring and ambulatory motion analysis.
This Applied Session is kindly supported by 

Elastography for muscle biomechanics
Coordinator: Dr Antoine Nordez
Lecturers: Dr Jean-Luc Gennisson, Prof. François Hug, Dr Gaël Guilhem
Description of the Applied Session
The aim of this session is to present elastography techniques and the use of the supersonic shear imaging technique for muscle studies with application to sports. 35 min will be dedicated to demo in real time to illustrate the presentations and questions from the audience.
An extended abstact followed by the biographies of speakers can be viewed here.
This Applied Session is kindly supported by

Sport Movements, A Motivating Theme for Teenagers in a First Approach to Engineering Sciences
Coordinator: Prof. emeritus Alain Junqua (see his Biography)
Lecturers: Prof. emeritus Alain Junqua, Mr Alexis Nez, Dr Arnaud Decatoire, Dr Laetitita Fradet, Mr Philippe Prouet.
Description of the Applied Session - Be careful, only 40 seats available
During this session, a first part will be dedicated to the presentation of the “Olympic Sciences and Sport Classes”. The attraction and uniqueness of sport will be emphasized as an ideal medium for learning science by younger generations. This science teaching approach, fruit of over 20 years of work, is based on the interest shown by children or adolescents for the practical analysis of their own sporting gesture. In a second time, the philosophy of the practical works proposed to the sport science students of the University of Poitiers will be presented as well as some tools developed for this practical works. An emphasis will be put on the challenges that the educational team faces such as the lack of mathematical background of the majority of the students as well as the propositions made to answer to these challenges.
More informations